Celebrants around the world will be thrilled to know that there is now a designated World Celebrants Week. We hope you’ll join us as we educate and inspire others about just what it is celebrants do!


Here are a few ideas of how you can be involved.

Take to your socials and post pictures of you at work.

Write a blog or make a video with your top tips for celebrants and/or for people choosing a celebrant.

Talk to your local press.

Talk to friends and family about your work in more detail.

Ask wedding venues to highlight that they love to work with celebrants.

Share ideas on how to create more beautiful funerals.

Discuss different rites of passage.

As usual, during World Celebrants Week, you’ll find me wearing my three hats: magazine editor, celebrant trainer, and celebrant veteran of 26 years. Look out for my videos, blogs and photos on my socials. And I’ll be having a lunch date with other celebrants! 

Save the date!