Celebrant magazine: Issue Six
Celebrant, Celebrant CPD, Celebrant Retreat, Celebrant Skills, Ceremonies, Creative Writing, Magazine, Rite of Passage, RitualsIn issue six of The Celebrant magazine, we head to beautiful Tassie for our cover, and this lovely image of celebrant Rachael Calvert and her couple Blanche and Adrian.
Look inside to see the brilliant article topics.
Issue 6
Cover Photo:…
Celebrant magazine: issue four
Celebrant, Celebrant CPD, Celebrant Skills, Ceremonies, Creative Writing, Rite of Passage, RitualsCelebrant Nikki Kulin, in Spain, appears on the cover of issue four of The Celebrant magazine. Have a look at the contents of this issue. It is rich and varied, and not to be missed.
If you're looking for celebrant CPD, then The…