The Celebrant Magazine

International Journal of Celebrants and Ceremonies

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Issues of the Celebrant Magazine

Issue 1
Cover Photo: Cable Beach, Western Australia

Cover image by Nik Buttigieg Photography
Celebrant: Elle Saunders
Couple: René Harbers and Chantal Adams at Cable Beach, Western Australia

Editorial: welcome
Protected Learning Time
Your Shop Front
Kimberlee’s ‘About Me’
Celebrant Self Care
Disciplined Writing
What is a Committal?
Mindful Funeral Writing
Dutch Wedding Rituals
Learning to Listen
The Language of Ritual
Creating A Naming
Ceremonial Flora
My Life as a Celebrant
A Great Celebrant
Voice Matters
Avoiding Celebrant Overwhelm
A Coming-of-Age Ceremony
Born without Breath
A Memory Bowl Ritual
Handtying under the Boab Tree
Building a Love Circle
Rings on the Beach
Crafting a Eulogy
Chocolate in Ceremony
Funereal Lavender Blessing

Issue 2
Cover Photo: Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand

Cover photography by Benjamin Lane and Sirjana Singh of Tinted Photography Taken on Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand @TintedPhotography. Celebrant: Laura Giddey, along with Jo, Gőtz and Lou. Thank you!

Editorial: Liminal Space
Your Words
Path of Healing Ritual
Voice Matters
Emotional Intelligence
The Mighty Oak
Separation Ceremony
Celebrant Tips for Designing a Separation Ceremony
Seed Ceremony
The Craft of Script Writing
Ceremony and the Divine Feminine
Interment of Ashes
Continued Learning and Success as a Celebrant
The Red Cardinal and the Pregnant Nun
Benny’s Coming of Age Ritual
Lily and Sunflower Ritual
Transition Ritual
The Patchwork Cloak Ritual
Spice Blending Ritual
The Singing Celebrant

Issue 3
Cover Photo: Victoria, AUSTRALIA

Cover photograph of celebrant Julia Handford, Australia,
by Lauren

Editorial: Holding the Space
Outdoor Funeral Ceremonies
Child-friendly Wedding Ceremonies
Secret Ceremonies
We Are Gathered Here Today
Craft of Scriptwriting
Living Funerals
The Celebrant and the Black Cat
Dementia-friendly Funerals
Jasmine in Ceremonies
The Pocketwatch
Voice Matters: Simply the Best!
Origami Crane Ritual
Tips for New Celebrants
Re-envisioning Vows
Expanding Your Celebrant Business
Reflective Practice
Celebrant Buddy: inclusive ceremonies

Issue 4
Cover Photo: Spain
Cover Image
Celebrant: Nikki Kulin
Couple: Emma and Glen
Photographer: Andreas Holm

Editorial: the imprint of my mother’s grief
What is Ritual Choreography?
Recycling Ceremony Scripts into Memory Hearts
Funeral Ritual in the Woods
Online Funeral Ceremony in Spain
Voice Matters
A Viking Funeral
Anointing Ritual in a Naming Ceremony
How To Have Time Off From Your Business
The Mosaic of Marriage
Naming Ceremony
Creating an Altar
Tying the Knot with Oregano
Creating an Online Mother Ceremony
Rehearsing Your Script
Coffee Unity Ritual
Why You Need a Cover Page
Craft of Scriptwriting
The Importance of Writing Your Own Script
Setting Up a Death Cafe

Issue 5
Cover Photo: Dubai

Celebrant: Kerrie Low
Couple: Cara and Colin
Photographers: Bernie and Bindi

Editorial: The Oxygen Mask of Creativity
The Doorway: a journey through death, drama and celebrancy
The Styled Wedding Shoot: why you should get involved
LGBTQ and the celebrant
Coping with Covid: my heart-led response
Slips of the Lip, Inclusion and Extremist Codespeak
The Mirror: an interment of ashes ritual
Frodo Fly’s Funeral: engaging children in conversations around death and funerals
My Journey as a Celebrant
Hannah’s Blessingway Ceremony
The Wedding and Funeral Industries: still negligently racist in 2020
Voice Matters: natural communication
Washing Feet: a bonding ritual
Soundscape in Ceremony
The Button Ritual: symbolism for a vow renewal ceremony
Craft of Scriptwriting: life is not a resume

Issue 6
Cover Photo: Tasmania, AUSTRALIA

A special thanks to celebrant Rachael Calvert for appearing on this issue’s cover ( alongside Blanche and Adrian in beautiful Tasmania, Australia. Photography: Fiona Vail

Editorial: Deep Rest
When You Are Called to Serve Yourself: The Ultimate CPD
Judging Celebrant Performance
Pandemic Positivity
Tent Pegs: a bond-building ritual
Comparing the Skills Between Celebrants and Storytellers
Elderberry Elixir: an interment of ashes ritual
My Life As a Celebrant
Funerary Ritual: Dram of Whisky
A Naming Ceremony for Transformation
CPD and Celebrancy
Four Elements
Archetypes of Modern Celebrancy
Animal Companion Ceremonies

Issue 7
Cover Photo: Sydney, AUSTRALIA

A special thank you to celebrant Lillian Lyon and her couple, Sarah and Jamie Blake Crozier, for appearing on this issue’s cover. The setting is Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia. Thank you also to photographer Stefanie Banic. Dress designer Hope X Page

Editorial: Time for Change
Online Video Calls
Zooming to the Moon
Stepping into Celebrancy
Social Media for Celebrants
The Celebrant as a Writer
Love and Gratitude Ceremony
The Watchmaker’s Legacy
Leaving and Blessing a Home
Seashells in Ceremony
Learning to Listen
Gender Change Ceremony
Mia’s Naming Ceremony
Setting Celebrant Fees in a Regulated Environment
Chakra-water Coffin Blessing

Issue 8
Cover Photo: ITALY

Thank you to celebrant Carina Popescu (aka Tuscan Wedding Officiant) in Italy for appearing on this issue’s cover. Thank you also to photographer, Alessia Spano.

Editorial: The First Time, The Last Time
Moral Rights
Vamp Up Those Vows!
The Relationship between the Speaking And Singing Voice
What Surrounds Us
Memorial on an Irish Beach
Isaac’s Naming Ceremony
Skills of Yoga and Celebrancy
The Singing Bowl
Sagesse Ceremony
Earth-based Farewell
A Mountaineer’s Goodbye
Trio of Herbs
Mountain Ash Blessing
Who Are You?

Issue 9
Cover Photo: Iceland
A special thank you to Iceland Celebrant, Sigurður Runarsson, and Wong Ariel Hoi Ki and Lau Lai Yue Vic from Hong Kong, for appearing on our cover for this issue.
Photography by @icelandcelebrant

Editorial: Sensuality As a Ritual
New Project Ceremony
A Woodland Wedding
The Wedding Jar Ritual
A Celebrant’s Voice
The First Ceremony
Making Mistakes
An Anointing Ritual
Creating Beautiful Borders
Beyond Complacency: Communication and Credibility
Know Your Words
Proprioceptive Writing: A Celebrant Ritual
A Celebrant’s Story of Overwhelm
The Sunflower Circle
Affirmations For Celebrants
The White Button Ritual
Healing Ceremony for Lily’s Amputated Finger
My Mother’s Daughter

Issue 10
Cover: England

Celebrant: Jacqui Harding
Couple: Billy and Issy
Venue: Matara Centre
Photographer: Camilla Reynolds

Japanese Bowl: Vow-Renewal Ritual
All Heart: Symbolism and the Big Pump
Paper Dolls: An Interview Ritual
Our Ceremony for Lilach
Countdown to my First Funeral-Celebrant Experience
Pet-honouring Ceremonies
Self-Commitment Ceremony
Micro-connections and the Heart
Conscious Conception Ritual
Sundial Ritual
Pathway to the Heart
Consent, Ceremonies and Celebrants
Anchoring Ceremonies in Place
The Right Words

Issue 11
Cover: Scotland

Celebrant: Rachel Cheer
Couple: Anne and Alex
Photograph: Bernadeta Kupiec

Naming Ceremony of Sakura
A Celebration of Friendship
Green Burials
Handtying or Handfasting?
A Mother Blessing
The Word Medicine of the Blessingway
Voice Matters
The Uncomfortable Magic of Silence
Writing Vows Using the Five Love Languages

Issue 12
Cover: Spain

Celebrant: Natasha Johnson
Couple: Nicholas and Geraldine
Photograph: Andreas Holm

The Power of the Subliminal: Celebrant-led Ceremonies and Cultural Bias
Telling Your Story
When Does the Funeral Ceremony Begin?
Tips For Celebrants
Matryoshka: The Sacred Stories Within
Ritual for a New Prosthetic
Wedding on the Water
Read, Reflect, Reconnect and Recall
Navigating Religion as a Civil Celebrant
Invocation: The Four Directions
Blessing for Leaving a Home
Honouring the Purpose of the Committal
Reflections on Nature and Celebrancy

Issue 13
Cover Photo: Brisbane, Australia

Cover image: Celebrant Jennifer Cram.
Couple: Jemy and Hiro from Japan.
Photographer: Alison Cooke

Dancing with Ego and Essence
It’s All About the Ceremony, Right?
Consent, Celebrants and the Real-Estate Factor
The Wishing Tree and Glastonbury Festival
Keep Calm and Carry On
Professional Pride
Words As Containers
Discrimination, Biases and Inclusion for Wedding Celebrants
Making the Best of Yourself
Weaving Moments of Ceremony into Styled Shoots
The Five-Tastes Ritual
Crafting a Handfasting Ceremony

Congratulations! The first issue of The Celebrant looks amazing. It’s been an inspiration to read the various articles. Deep respect for your dedication and all the time you will have put into this.


I love it! Really interesting articles and beautifully put together – well done you.

Jacqueline, France

Your magazine is amazing. Thank you so much for collating such a lovely readable publication. I have not been able to put (issue 1, September 2019) down since receiving it a couple of weeks ago. Seemingly, I find more and more gems every time I open it. I love the size too, just right to fit in a celebrant’s handbag, ready to take out and read when having a coffee or sat in waiting room awaiting an appointment. This magazine is full of knowledge, inspiration and practical help from experts covering a wide range of celebrant’s job descriptions. I am sure it will help all level of celebrants from the newbies like me, to the more experienced amongst us. Thank you again Veronika, waiting in anticipation for issue 2!!!!

Warmest Wishes, Sally

New Zealand

Important Notice

As at 31st October, 2022, we stopped taking new subscriptions to The Celebrant magazine.

The Celebrant magazine was launched just six months before The Pandemic. We weathered the financial storm in an industry where many of our subscribers, wedding celebrants, faced almost two years of no or little work.

Due to circumstances beyond our control (increased postage, printing and administrative costs which are too great to add to subscription fees to make it viable for many celebrants) and the large number of celebrants who left the industry during the pandemic in order to obtain more secure work, we have made the decision, with heavy hearts, to cease publication.

We are so grateful to every single person who has supported this publication and made it a magazine to be proud of. Each issue is a true treasure trove, and the combined issues are a comprehensive and timeless resource. Issues 1 to 13 remain available for purchase, and we’re more than happy to publish your articles on our blog.

Thank you to every single subscriber.

Thank you to our wonderful writers, from around the world, for your wisdom, expertise and generosity.

And thank you to the people who’ve allowed their photos to be published, whether they were wedding couples, celebrants or photographers. May you be richly rewarded over the years. Thank you.

With my warmest wishes,

Veronika Robinson,
editor and publisher

ISSN 2632 – 9557


Full colour

Handy A5 size

Published quarterly on
the equinoxes and solstices

Editor and publisher:
Veronika Robinson/Starflower Press

The only trade-industry publication for celebrants

The Celebrant magazine is a dedicated resource for the celebrant trade industry suitable for new and experienced celebrants, worldwide, to learn, connect, grow, develop, and be inspired.

Discrimination-free Celebrancy

I practise discrimination-free celebrancy.  

This means that I will not discriminate (or associate with those who discriminate) against you on the grounds of religion or other beliefs, disability, mental health, body size or shape, socio-economic status, race, culture, gender, gender reassignment, age, marital or parental status. I honour the right of each human being to celebrate their life.  

You have my assurance that I will accord you the respect you deserve. This assurance is across the board in my work as a celebrant, celebrant trainer and as editor of The Celebrant magazine.  

~ Veronika Robinson